At Gellifique, we take product safety seriously. All our soak-off base building gels are carefully formulated to minimise irritation and have undergone independent dermatological testing. This means that when used correctly and in accordance with our instructions your clients nails should stay healthy and in good condition.
We want as many of you as possible to try our Apex Build series before our offer ends on July 31st. Here’s what sets our soak off, bottle builder products apart from our competitors:
Treating diabetics with pedicures requires special consideration and caution due to the unique health challenges associated with diabetes. People with diabetes often have reduced blood flow to their extremities and may have nerve damage (neuropathy) in their feet, which can impair sensation. These conditions make them more susceptible to infections and less likely to feel irritation, pain, or injury, which can lead from minor issues to severe complications.
We want as many of you as possible to try our Apex Build series because we are seeing far too many HEMA-free bottle builder systems that encourage nail technicians to perform aggressive prep with low grit files for product adhesion. Unfortunately, this not only damages the natural nail plate in the long run but also ruins further chances of better adhesion due to the damaged dorsal layer of the nail plate, which offers the best adhesion between the natural nail plate and any artificial coating. Additionally, it doesn't guarantee good results as most of the highly acclaimed HEMA-free builders are simply formulated too rigid for their main purpose, which is natural nail overlays.
Entgegen der populären Marketingbehauptungen bieten Titanbeschichtungen keine überlegenen hygienischen Vorteile:Der Erwerb hochwertiger Werkzeuge ist entscheidend, aber deren Wartung, einschließlich regelmäßiger Desinfektion und Austausch, ist ebenso wichtig. Ein überteuertes Werkzeug ist schwieriger innerhalb von 6 Monaten zu ersetzen, da die Kosten allein für Werkzeuge zusätzlich £212 pro Jahr betragen würden.
Achtung Nageltechniker: Fallen Sie nicht in die übliche Falle! Viele haben Schwierigkeiten, die Feinheiten von Gelüberzug und Gelskulptur zu unterscheiden, geschweige denn die wichtige Aufgabe, die richtigen Produkte für jeden Service auszuwählen. Dieses weit verbreitete Problem resultiert oft aus unzureichender Schulung durch zahlreiche Marken.
Am 25. September 2023 hat die EU-Kommission die EU REACH-Beschränkung für Mikroplastik eingeführt, was einen bedeutenden Schritt im Kampf gegen die Mikroplastikverschmutzung darstellt. Da die EU-Kosmetikvorschriften mit denen des Vereinigten Königreichs übereinstimmen und diese Initiative eine Hinwendung zu "grüneren Entscheidungen" darstellt, ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass das Vereinigte Königreich nachziehen wird. Welche Auswirkungen hat dies also auf Gel-Nagellack oder UV/LED-härtbare Glitzerprodukte? Wie immer halten wir Sie informiert.
Besorgt über HEMA und Nagelallergien? Es ist erwähnenswert, dass viele Marken den Einsatz anderer Monomere verstärkt haben, um HEMA zu ersetzen und der Nachfrage nach HEMA-freien Produkten gerecht zu werden. Allerdings birgt dieser Ansatz auf lange Sicht potenzielle Herausforderungen.
Adhesion - a term we often hear in the nail industry and rightly so. Poor product adhesion is the number one reason for product lifting. It is also a common misconception that a product's adhesion can only be "formulated" by a manufacturer.
The Cosmetics industry is one of the most exciting places to be in, in our slightly biased opinion . It is constantly revealing new, exciting trends and key research into ingredients that can enhance the user's experience.
The subject of gel nail products not curing correctly and its possible link to the rise in dermal allergies and related nail conditions has been repeatedly highlighted by industry experts such as Doug Schoon and Jim McConnell (Light Elegance).
In the recent years the nail industry both in the UK and internationally has seen an increase in nail allergies and as the industry tries to comes to terms with the impact it has on the livelihoods of salons and its clients it's only natural that questions are being asked.
Updates in Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/1682, of November 12, 2020, will restrict HEMA and Di-HEMA TMHDC in cosmetic products (under Annex III of (EC) 1223/2009).