We’re excited to announce the launch of our Ultra-Light Builder Gel in a convenient 15g bottle, now available in Amour and Clear! Designed for nail technicians who love effortless application, this highly elastic, self-levelling hard builder gel is the perfect choice for natural nail overlays.
The original creators of Polygel developed a precise polymer-to-oligomer ratio, balancing strength, flexibility, and ease of use. Their advanced formulation includes high molecular weight polymers and low-volatility monomers, ensuring:
We’re excited to introduce our brand-new Hard Builder Gel Starter Kit—designed for nail technicians looking to transition seamlessly from BIAB to hard gel overlays. This kit includes everything you need for long-lasting, flawless results on natural nails.
It is official our Apex Build range is growing faster than ever, thanks to your incredible support! In just 18 months , we’ve expanded from 3 shades to a stunning 12. Please welcome our two brand new shades:
On December 1st, Gellifique® celebrated a decade of premium nail innovations. Over the years, we've mastered the art of creating stunning designs that become client favorites—especially during the holiday season. From glittery bases to ultra-festive nail art and creative takes on French manicures, we've got you covered. Let’s dive into some inspiring examples below!
We are excited to introduce our latest UV/LED lamp model, equipped with ceramic LEDs. This upgraded lamp model brings a host of benefits designed to elevate your salon experience. Read on to learn more and pre - order today to avoid missing out.
Suntem încântați să vă prezentăm noile noastre borcane de 5g de Geluri de Artă, concepute pentru a vă oferi unghii cu artă uimitoare, oferind în același timp o valoare excelentă pentru banii dvs. Economisiți atât timp, cât și bani cu aceste geluri versatile și pregătiți-vă pentru și mai multe nuanțe care vor veni în curând! Perfecte pentru crearea unor designuri intricate cu ușurință, aceste geluri sunt un must-have în colecția dvs. de artă pentru unghii de toamnă.
Discover Armour Base Coat, our latest innovation designed to give you the fastest French manicure or stronger nails with just a few brush strokes—no sculpting required! This versatile 2-in-1 formula works as both a base coat and a strengthening layer, offering light and fluid application that cures to a durable, hard-wearing finish—stronger than traditional Rubber Base Coats.
Pro Care Builders: Quality That Sells Out Fast!We're thrilled to announce that Pro Care's beloved shades—Darling, Nude Pink, and the brand-new Milkshake—are now back in stock!
Have you got super sensitive clients? Perhaps their nails are overfilled, or they are simply more sensitive to heat buildup during polymerisation. To make it easier on yourself and offer your clients a pleasant experience, you need to reduce the quantity of builder gel you apply during the service.
We are thrilled to announce the addition of four stunning new shades to our longest-standing line of hard builder gels, Light Structure. Loved by many for its exceptional self-leveling properties, outstanding adhesion, and unique cushioning that adds resilience to natural nails, Light Structure has been a favorite in the nail community for years.
We’re excited to announce that our brand-new Resurfacing Pedicure treatment gel is here! We had to delay the release due to last-minute adjustments to the packaging, but it was worth the wait. Our unique non-drip formula allows precise application on callused areas. Initially, we opted for pump packaging, but after starting production, we opted for a jar instead for best customer experience and no product waste!
Prezentăm colaborarea Gellifique cu Staleks, unde precizia se întâlnește cu confortul în fiecare unealtă de manichiură. Înțelegem importanța pregătirii delicate, dar eficiente a unghiilor pentru a obține o durabilitate excelentă a gelului UV, motiv pentru care am selectat meticulos și am ales uneltele ergonomice proiectate de Staleks, marcate cu ambele logouri ale companiilor noastre din oțel inoxidabil de calitate medicală. Parteneriatul nostru asigură o calitate de top, fiecare unealtă fiind ascuțită și lustruită la perfecție folosind pastă de rectificare GOI, oferind ascuțime îndelungată și rezistență la coroziune.
Ai auzit despre ultimul nostru produs in lucru? Daca nu, pregateste-te sa fii incantat! Pentru o sansa de a castiga intreaga colectie, verifica concursul nostru aici. Sa incepem. Cu sezonul de primavara/vara aproape pe noi (serios, este mai aproape decat crezi), am creat o gama de culori in editie limitata in cadrul gamei noastre Smart Base, cu 6 nuante cremoase, pastelate.
Suntem încântați să anunțăm o nouă adiție la gama noastră de primer! În timp ce primerul nostru existent este fantastic pentru crearea unor îmbunătățiri durabile și rigide, am recunoscut nevoia de mai multă versatilitate. Această nouă formulă testată dermatologic este proiectată pentru flexibilitate adăugată - o calitate surprinzătoare, dar esențială într-un produs lichid, de uscare la aer.
Atenție tuturor clienților noștri valoroși care așteptau cu nerăbdare actualizări privind nuanțele noastre mai închise de geluri de unghii - dorința voastră este poruncă pentru noi! Am auzit cererile voastre pentru nuanțe precum verde închis suntuos, maro cald și bogat, purpuriu profund și roșu vin luxuriant. Și suntem încântați să le livrăm.
Happy Sunday, everyone! Our usual Friday newsletter was postponed to today due to our special weekend product launch.Some of you might have already spotted on our Instagram account, @gellifique_professional, the unveiling of our two brand new collections: Velvet Luxe and Spring Sakura.
Apex Build continues to win the hearts of hundreds of nail technicians, and as promised, we're expanding the shade range in this product category. Apex Build is a must-have item for structured manicures and, unlike other formulas on the market, it boasts numerous advantages:
Discover our UV/LED gel nail tips and enhance your nail salon with this gel nail extension system, now available at a better price. Our nail tip system is crafted from high-quality polymer, ensuring exceptional thinness and flexibility, particularly around the cuticles.
Our latest innovation, the Fibre Base Coat, is rapidly establishing itself as a staple essential in your nail kits. As with all products, understanding the appropriate time and place for their use is key. We've noticed some of you have queries about the best ways to utilise this product. So, let's dive into a quick overview of our Rubber Base Coat with Fibre and explore what sets this product apart and how to best apply it.